A message From Father Rod

March 14th 2020

In light of the continued outbreak of the Coronavirus, Covid-19, we wish to make the following statement to both inform and re-assure.

These are anxious times for many, and at St Mary’s Bocking we seek to care for and support all who are part of our community. With that in mind we have made the decision to postpone our Games Night fundraiser this evening, Saturday March 14th. Other social, fellowship & fundraising activities will remain under review and we will update when we can.

However, services WILL continue at St Mary’s and the building WILL remain open.

We have reviewed the latest advice from the Church of England and from Public Health England and so that we can best remain open and keep everyone safe we will be following the guidance given. Therefore, we will implement the following from this Sunday onwards.

-       Those showing signs of cold or flu should refrain from coming to church and consider whether to self-isolate for 7 days.

-       Encourage all to wash their hands before coming into church. Hand gel will also be available in the church itself.

-       Physical contact with others on entering or leaving the church will cease.

-       Physical contact during The Peace will be avoided.

-       Direct physical contact or ‘laying on hands’ will cease.

-       Celebrant to wash hands immediately prior to the service, and again just before the Eucharistic Prayer.

-       Communion will be received in one kind only

-       Public administration of the chalice will cease. The Chalice will continue to be prepared and consecrated in the usual way, but the Celebrant alone will receive from the Chalice.

-       A collection plate will be placed at the back and will not be handed around.
Please put your kind donation in the plate on entering the church.

-       The Holy Water stoup is no longer in use.

-       Refreshments after the service will cease.

Much of this is about what we shouldn’t do but we certainly CAN keep good hygiene practises, we CAN consider if we are feeling well or not and consequently whether to come to church. We CAN look out for our neighbours and the most vulnerable. And lastly, we CAN be kind! These are extraordinary times, but they will pass. For the moment, we continue to travel this road with God and each other.

Fr Rod

The Rev'd Rod Reid
Priest in Charge

Benefice of St Mary's, Bocking and Panfield

Rod Reid